Aug 18, 2017
In this episode, I discuss the effect of stock options or stock-based compensation expense on the after-tax returns of shareholders. These expenses paid to executives as compensation are often excluded from expenses when non-GAAP earnings are reported.
The show notes for this episode, including a transcript of today's...
Aug 18, 2017
In this episode, I discuss the mental model of Gradualism and how to become a millionaire by investing only $1 a day. Gradualism is a mental model built upon biology and geography which can be leveraged to enable you to achieve financial independence.
The show notes for this episode, including a transcript of today's...
Aug 18, 2017
In this episode of The DIY Investing Podcast, I discuss the common myth that stocks are riskier than bonds. Join me as I bust this myth, by discussing the capital asset pricing model, beta, volatility, and redefine risk for an investor.
The show notes for this episode, including a transcript of today's podcast, my...